55 (11) 3624-8719
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55 (11) 3624-8719 / 3624-8718
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Químicos e Materiais

Nós nos concentramos principalmente em especialidades químicas, incluindo matérias-primas para o cuidado pessoal, matérias-primas para produtos farmacêuticos, biocidas especiais, e outros produtos.

Nossos estudos de mercado são ideais para fabricantes, comerciantes, varejistas e fornecedores que buscam uma compreensão mais profunda da sua indústria. Também são fundamentais para quem está procurando saber mais sobre nuances, tendências, previsões e insights inteligentes que não podem ser encontrados em nenhum outro lugar.

Estudos e relatórios de mercado cobrindo produtos, canais e empresas dos setores de químicos e materiais.

Relatórios formatados com análises e tabelas didaticamente estruturadas para apoio a processos de decisão nas áreas de marketing, planejamento estratégico, fusões e aquisições e desinvestimentos.

Análises detalhadas e em profundidade, em termos de volumes e valor, por categorias de produtos; canais de distribuição; marcas; empresas etc.

Exclusividade Factor-Kilne - análise de gaining/losing share: ferramenta de monitoramento de participação de mercado por categoria de produto e canal de distribuição.

Cenários e projeções de crescimento. Relatórios 100% baseados em fontes primárias (entrevistas pessoais e telefônicas) com participantes atuantes nos mercados. Relatórios em PDF; em inglês ou português; 50-200 páginas.

Realátórios América do Sul


Personal Care Ingredients Database: Brazil Market Analysis

South America

Personal Care Ingredients: Brazil Market Analysis is an interactive database containing data on over 100 personal care ingredients. Brazil represents an extra coverage to the global program already covering Europe, the United States, China, Japan…
Personal Care Ingredients Market Analysis

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

Personal Care Ingredients is an interactive database containing data on over 100 personal care ingredients in key regional markets. The database presents personal care ingredients data for Europe, USA, Japan, China, South East Asia, India, and…

Specialty Biocides

Specialty Biocides: Emerging Markets Analysis and Opportunities

South America, Middle East, Asia-Pacific

While the key historical European and U.S. markets for specialty biocides are maturating, emerging markets has been an important growth area for global suppliers of specialty biocides. Complementing the reports published in 2013 about the Chinese…

Specialty Excipients

Solubility Enhancement in Pharmaceutical Oral Solid Dosage Forms: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific

The pharmaceutical industry is facing a major challenge with drug solubility as more than 80% of the entire drug candidates in the R&D pipeline are reported to be poorly soluble in water. In addition, about 40% of marketed drugs have low solubility…
Specialty Excipients for Oral Solid-Dosage-Form Pharmaceuticals: Emerging Markets Analysis and Opportunities

South America, Asia-Pacific

While the global market of specialty excipients for Oral Solid-Dosage-Form (OSDF) pharmaceuticals is dominated by China, Europe, India, and the United States, other regions can represent large growth areas for excipients suppliers. Expansion of…

Specialty Actives

Specialty Actives in Personal Care: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

Functional activity has become a key marketing focus in skin care and globally in recent years. While the large North American and European market used to be the largest consumers and the trend-setters, the actives ingredients is evolving into a…

Synthetic Latex Polymers

Synthetic Latex Polymers Global Series: Business Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific

Covering the complex market of synthetic latex polymers since the late 1970s, Kline now offers a new, continuous synthetic latex polymers program, which is global in scope. Designed to provide both instant market results through a new and fully…
Synthetic Latex Polymers: Brazil Market Analysis and Opportunities

South America

This report provides subscribers with comprehensive market intelligence on the Brazilian market for synthetic latex polymers covering over 10 key industries where latex emulsions are consumed. Along with consumption data for individual synthetic…

Other Polymers/Materials

Biopolymers: Global Market Brief

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific

Increasing awareness regarding greener products, improving biopolymer technology, and declining prices are boosting the growth of the biopolymer market. Additionally, new legislation to push biopolymer products will see the global biodegradable…

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